Adding greenery indoors

INDOOR plants are making a come back in a big way and not purely for aesthetic reasons.

Emerging new evidence suggests the growing trend of bringing the outdoors indoors can provide a wide range of benefits, including assisting to improve both physical and mental health.

As well as reducing harmful toxins and purifying the air we breathe, indoor plants can also help to  reduce stress, lessen sound pollution and regulate humidity.

Choosing low maintenance indoor plants is the key. One such plant that is super handy to have indoors is aloe vera. Widely available and renowned for its natural healing capabilities, this plant is great when placed in the kitchen as it is known to neutralise benzene, a chemical compound found in a variety of detergents and plastics.

Another great plant to keep indoors is the snake plant, as it regularly shoots out fresh bursts of oxygen. When placed in your bedroom, the snake plant can assist to support breathing issues and provide a better night’s sleep.