Cost of water the most damaging force facing dairy farmers

Dear Editor,

I know that it is very important to focus on the positives when the going gets tough, however burying your head in the sand when there is a problem will not solve it.

Last week, Dairy Australia’s June 2019 Situation and Outlook report was released and pointed to a number of positives for the dairy industry.

As a dairy farmer myself I find it a very bitter pill to swallow that once again the unnecessary destruction of an industry with so much potential is hidden under the carpet. Across southern NSW and northern Victoria not a week goes by without hearing of another dairy farm closing down. In fact in the NSW Murray Valley there has been an 18% reduction in dairy farms since the start of the year.

No upturns in consumption or export demands will compensate for the biggest and most damaging force impacting innovative and passionate dairy farmers in the nation’s premier food bowl – the cost of water.

And before another high paid politician, CEO or bureaucrat blames the drought, let’s be clear about the real problem – poor water policy and pouring billions of litres into a forest. This occurred during the drought and does not paint a picture of a drought crisis.

The most damaging crisis being faced in our region is that our leaders do not have the courage to hold those responsible for poor water management and policy to account.

Instead of sugar-coating the problems, our dairy industry leaders need to be highlighting our major impediments, as this will increase the chance of getting them fixed.

Yours sincerely

Jane Middlebrook

Blighty NSW