Interesting way to educate students on bullying

EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT… From left, Wilmot Road Primary School prep students, Timothy Madill-Job, Sophie Beaumont, Ali Majid Thjel and Zehra Daglioglu drawing pictures of Allan the Alien fitting in at school as part of the school’s National Day of Action Against Bullying. Photo: David Lee.
EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT… From left, Wilmot Road Primary School prep students, Timothy Madill-Job, Sophie Beaumont, Ali Majid Thjel and Zehra Daglioglu drawing pictures of Allan the Alien fitting in at school as part of the school’s National Day of Action Against Bullying. Photo: David Lee.

WHILE it was fun and games at Wilmot Road Primary School on Friday last week, the day was all about quite a serious matter…bullying.

As part of the National Day of Action Against Bullying, students dressed out of uniform and donned crazy hairdos to demonstrate how different everyone is. Each classroom carried out anti-bullying activities and spoke about bully prevention including practising how to be a cool, calm kid role play activity and drawing pictures on how Allan the Alien can fit in at school.

Wilmot Road Primary School social worker, Emma Monteleone said, “It is super important to teach the children about bullying. We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying at our school.

“We want to teach them strategies in how to respond to and prevent bullying.

“The kids were all very excited and learned a lot.”