Making your next travel experience easy

HELPING YOU TRAVEL THE WORLD… Travel Managers travel agent, Sarah Nunn with her oh, so adorable pup, Jameson, is excited to help you plan your dream holiday. Photo: Katelyn Morse.
HELPING YOU TRAVEL THE WORLD… Travel Managers travel agent, Sarah Nunn with her oh, so adorable pup, Jameson, is excited to help you plan your dream holiday. Photo: Katelyn Morse.

WHETHER you’re planning an annual break, a bucket list holiday or your next business trip, a personal travel manager will help make it a wonderful experience. Think of a personal travel manager the way you’d think of a personal trainer or financial planner – they’re here to help you achieve a specific goal in their field of expertise. In this case, it’s travel.

With three years in the travel industry and a passion for adventure, local woman Sarah Nunn is now a travel agent working from home with the Travel Managers group.

Sarah Nunn said, “My love for travel began at a young age. When I went to university, I made friends who lived in New York and Canada and decided to visit them when they went back home. I came back three years later!”

“Being a travel agent with Travel Managers allows me to give clients a more personable travel experience. We can meet here at my home office, go out for dinner or coffee, or wherever suits you to organise your dream holiday.”

To plan your next holiday or business trip with Sarah, call 0434 579 931, head to or visit her Facebook page