New speed limit to address Grahamvale student safety

WITH a view to improve safety for school students, drivers, cyclists and pedestrians at one of Shepparton’s busiest locations, a new 60km/h speed limit will be implemented this week on the Shepparton Alternative Route at Grahamvale.

Part of Victoria’s Higher Productivity Freight Vehicle Mass Network and used by approximately 7,100 vehicles per day, the Shepparton Alternative Route connects with regional Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

The decision comes after requests were made to address the conflict of increased heavy vehicle volumes and local road users.

The new limit will apply to a 2.5-kilometre stretch of the road, from just south of New Dookie Road to north of Ford Road, taking in the Grahamvale Primary School entrance, Shepparton railway line and Ford Road intersection.

The estimated travel time is expected to increase for users, by approximately 40 seconds.

The new speed zone follows a regional roads Victoria review to determine the most appropriate speed at this location. During school times, a 40km speed limit will continue to be in place outside of Grahamvale Primary School.

Works have begun to revise static and electronic signs. The new speed limit will apply with immediate effect upon completion.