Retail workers at the frontline

RESPECT RETAIL WORKERS… During the pandemic, we have seen retail workers being exposed to increased risk, stress and abuse. Photo: Supplied.
RESPECT RETAIL WORKERS… During the pandemic, we have seen retail workers being exposed to increased risk, stress and abuse. Photo: Supplied.

While we are all under pressure one way or the other from the pandemic, a new report out by the National Retail Association has highlighted the particular pressure retail workers have been placed under with a growing impact on their health and wellbeing struggles.

Australia’s 1.5 million retail workers have been at the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic, weathering increased risk, stress and abuse.

The retail sector is the second largest workforce in Australia and contributes $329 billion to the economy each year.

Retail workers have battled an unprecedented set of challenges during the pandemic. Feedback from workers is that they are suffering high levels of stress and anxiety leading to mental health issues and an increase in poor lifestyle choices.

The report also revealed the need to address issues relating to retail workers such as customer abuse, retail crime, domestic and family violence, and poor lifestyle choices.

Workers have relayed the dramatic rise in workplace safety issues. Some retailers have reported up to a 400 per cent increase in aggression and abuse following customer anger at retail restrictions.

Retail workers are also experiencing increased retail crime and related violence, with over 85 per cent experiencing verbal or physical abuse while trying to prevent crime. Many business owners have been forced to employ security guards and crowd controllers to ensure social distancing measures are followed.

More often than we need, images and videos of retail workers being abused by irate customers is almost a daily occurrence. People need to calm down and take the pressure off people simply doing their jobs. We would be in much greater difficulty without them.