Top indoor plants for beginners

With the weather growing colder and the desire to spend time out in the garden becoming harder to find, this time of year is perfect to bring some of that lush greenery indoors. But where do you start? Of course, all plants would rather live in the outdoors, but there are some that make great indoor plants with the right care and lighting. Plus, they also provide great health benefits to your home, as well!

So, here are some great indoor plants for beginners (or for those wanting to add more plants to their already overgrown indoor jungle).

The Devil’s Ivy earned its name from its reputation for being hard to kill. Simply pop it in a hanging pot and let its trailing vines hang down to make a dull corner look fresh. It only needs watering when the soil feels dry and tolerates a range of conditions but prefers bright indirect light.

The ZZ plant or Zanzibar Gem has pairs of dark glossy leaves along its stiff, upright stems that are great for showing off your most stylish pot. While they tolerate low light, they will do best in brighter conditions, but out of full sun. Allow the soil surface to dry out between waterings and keep leaves shiny by wiping with a damp cloth occasionally.

The Peace Lily has become an office favourite because of its hardiness in the face of air-conditioning, heating, low light and neglect. Its leaves will start drooping when it needs a drink, but it will look its best if watered when the surface of the potting mix is still just moist. It’s high on the list of air-cleaning plants, however, it can also be toxic to pets.