Top gardening tips for spring

SPRING is a great time to be alive for home gardeners in Australia. The chill is gone from the mornings and the afternoons are getting longer so there is no better time to get out into the garden and put a little spring touch into it.


Fertilise your garden

This is a wonderful time to fertilise your lawn. The grass crowns will collect the fertiliser, augmenting the chances for growth. Australian soils are fundamentally high in salt, nutrient poor and weak. This implies that while several species appreciate fertiliser, it is excellent to use moderately.


Top up organic mulch

A prompt way to spruce up your lawn, save water and cut weeds at the same time during spring is with a load of mulch. Eliminate encroaching grass throughout lawn beds, and spread organic mulch all over exposed soil.


Sow seed

Spring is the best time to plant cuttings or sow seed. You can grow best from seeds during this season and for maintenance, you do not require much work and can benefit from the sporadic prune post flowering.


Plant perennials

September is a good time to plant perennials. They have about 45 days to establish themselves in the ground during the spring season. This is the best time of the year to plant them, and also you will get them at the best price.