Between October 21-27, Goulburn Valley Water celebrated National Water Week by hosting the “A Watery Adventure” competition, engaging 5,000 primary school children from the region. Students created imaginative storybooks featuring Drippy, a water drop navigating the water cycle. Forty schools participated, showcasing creativity through writing and illustration.
The competition culminated in awards for four talented winners: This year’s winners were: Prep to Grade two, Hannah Potter with her story titled The Thirsty Cat (Grade one St Anne’s College); Audrey Gacus who wrote and illustrated Rainy’s Show (Grade 3/4 St Mel’s Primary School); and Indiana Brennan with her creation Adventure of a Water Drop (Grade 6 Katunga Primary School); Inclusive section, Damian Peterson with The Sailor’s Treasure (Verney Road School).
Their stories will be printed and shared with local libraries and GVW only kindergartens, highlighting the success of GVW’s educational initiatives and fostering awareness about water conservation among the next generation.