Health courses dominate as students seek regional study opportunities

INSTITUTION OF CHOICE... 1,400+ students received offers from La Trobe University last week as part of VTAC's first-round offers. La Trobe noted there has been an increase in the number of offers at regional campuses and that the university remains the most popular institution for courses such as dentistry, physiotherapy and speech pathology, receiving more first preferences than any other provider. Photo: Supplied

HEALTH has once again dominated La Trobe University’s top courses among Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) applicants, cementing its reputation in world-class health education.

More than 1,400 students received offers from La Trobe last week as part of VTAC’s January first-round offers. This brings the total number of offers from the university, including November and December rounds, to 6,683.

La Trobe has increased its VTAC offers for the third consecutive year between the period of November to January. In addition, the university has made more than 4,000 offers to direct applicants, which includes those returning to study after a break, those undertaking a degree as a mature student, up-skilling in their field or retraining in a new discipline.

La Trobe Vice-Chancellor Professor Theo Farrell congratulated all students commencing this year, many of whom received their first preference on Friday.

“This is a very exciting time for these students and their families. We are delighted to see that along with degrees, students are also securing university offers earlier through La Trobe pathway programs such as Aspire Early Entry and diplomas,” Professor Farrell said.

“More than 1,400 secondary school students received an early conditional offer to La Trobe through the Aspire program, designed to take the stress out of Year 12.”

INSTITUTION OF CHOICE… 1,400+ students received offers from La Trobe University last week as part of VTAC’s first-round offers. La Trobe noted there has been an increase in the number of offers at regional campuses and that the university remains the most popular institution for courses such as dentistry, physiotherapy and speech pathology, receiving more first preferences than any other provider. Photo: Supplied

La Trobe has continued to be the most popular institution of choice for dentistry, physiotherapy and speech pathology among school leavers, receiving more first preferences than any other Victorian provider.

Science, arts, business and education study fields were also high on the wish list of those hoping to undertake tertiary studies at La Trobe. Notably, there has been an increased number of offers at La Trobe’s four regional campuses.

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Regional) Associate Professor Melanie Bish said dental science, nursing, biomedical science, pharmacy and the rural health diploma have all contributed to this strong result.

“We are pleased to see strong interest from rural and regional students who want to study locally, as we know many of our skilled graduates will stay and contribute to local communities in areas such as health and education,” Associate Professor Bish said.

“We are committed to ensuring better equity and access to higher education and will continue partnering with regional communities to address workforce needs and conduct important research.”

As part of La Trobe offers to students via VTAC in November 2024 to January 2025 period:

• The largest number of offers were made in health sciences, nursing, biomedicine and biomedical sciences, business, sport and exercise science. Other popular courses this year include arts, psychological science, science and education.

• Diploma and associate degree courses including teacher education, arts, health sciences, business and information technology have also proven popular.

• Double degrees in law, commerce, psychological science, arts and other fields were popular with students seeking a broader range of study.