Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor,

As a daily dog walker around the Shepparton Lake, I am forwarding these concerns in relation to the Council’s ongoing lack of monitoring of the dog faecal bins.

In 2024 I reported to the Council at least 10 times regarding ongoing issues of the bags not being replenished by the Council’s contractors when the bins were empty of doggie bags.

Every time I reported this issue the Council would obviously contact their contractors and bags were replenished accordingly.

I did note however when the bags were replenished the contractors never left full rolls of bags, which meant the bags only lasted a few days. Furthermore, the bin doors are left unlocked and left open all the time.

At the beginning of 2025 unfortunately, the same issues are occurring.

Day 8 of walking around the lake all bins have had no doggie bags throughout this time and the amount of dog faeces around the lake is so disheartening.

As a frequent walker around the Lake, I do carry my own bags but there are others who don’t and the Shepparton Lake looks disgusting with the amount of dog faeces scattered all around.


Katherine Lancaster
