MEN can be reluctant to talk about their emotions and that means that they don’t always ask for help. Likely due to this, many men are less healthy than women, drink more, take more risks and suffer more from isolation, loneliness, and depression. Men’s Health Week, June 13-19, is a time to acknowledge the barriers to improving men’s health.
Tatura Men’s Shed vice president, Tom Perry, has seen how men are less likely to speak openly about what is going on in their lives.
“Interaction creates other opportunities, it promotes tolerance and community,” said Mr Perry.
A huge part of getting men to sit down and speak has been offering fellowship meals from the Men’s Shed every Tuesday. Member, Lee Williams, has grown a garden at their shed to feed members.
“Everyone takes turns cooking. They can cook whatever they like but we always have veggies,” Mr Perry said. “It’s all about being a community and supporting one another.”
As well as feeding members and encouraging conversation, the Men’s Shed is a place where men can continue their hobbies or pick up some new ones. Tatura Men’s Shed are award-winning wine makers, they also have plenty of equipment for painting, welding, sawing, and much more, even a 3D printer!
Starting 10 years ago with one room, Tatura Men’s Shed now has two sheds. Their next milestone will be building a covered outdoor area that can be used during all weather.
“Visit your local men’s shed and see what facilities and equipment are free to be used. There’s always someone to help or train you to use machines,” Mr Perry said.
He says that they would like to attract new members to have the shed opened on a third day of the week. Tatura Men’s Shed opens Tuesdays and Thursday at Tatura Racecourse and Recreation Reserve. Annual membership, including insurance, is $50.