Milestone donation

LIFE SAVER... Super blood donors, Travis Kreek and his mother, Leah Ross, who made her 200th donation at the Blood Donor Centre last week. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.
LIFE SAVER... Super blood donors, Travis Kreek and his mother, Leah Ross, who made her 200th donation at the Blood Donor Centre last week. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.
LIFE SAVER... Super blood donors, Travis Kreek and his mother, Leah Ross, who made her 200th donation at the Blood Donor Centre last week. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.
LIFE SAVER… Super blood donors, Travis Kreek and his mother, Leah Ross, who made her 200th donation at the Blood Donor Centre last week. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.

SHEPPARTON’S Leah Ross has made her 200th blood donation to the Blood Donor Centre. She gave her milestone plasma donation last Wednesday, alongside her son, Travis Kreeck who made his 246th donation at the same time.

Travis has donated since he was at university, where he came for free snacks while studying occupational therapy. He encouraged Leah to become a donor and since she has committed to fortnightly plasma donations.

“Donating might seem uncomfortable but when you think of the product, what that product does and how it helps people, it is incredible to think of what you can do,” said Leah.

“I feel very lucky to be in good health and able to contribute towards helping others in need. The staff at the local centre become like friends when we attend so regularly, and it is a lovely atmosphere.”

“We’d like to congratulate Leah Ross on reaching 200 donations. Every day there are people in hospital who need blood and blood products for cancer treatment, surgery, emergencies and many more,” said Shae Burns, a Lifeblood spokesperson.

“Donating blood only takes an hour of your time, but for a patient, it’s life changing. We’d love to see locals who don’t currently donate, or haven’t for some time, book a donation at Shepparton Donor Centre and meet the team.”

To create enough medicine for a patient suffering from hemophilia for a single year takes approximately 1,200 plasma donations.

If you’re aged 18-75 years, weigh over 50kgs and feel healthy and well, you may be able to donate. If you’re not sure, don’t rule yourself out.

Drop into Shepparton Blood Donor Centre at 210-216 Corio St, Sheppparton (entry via Vaughan Street carpark), contact Lifeblood on 13 14 95 or take their eligibility quiz at