Mystery tin man

Captured Monday, February 3, an owl has joined the tin man on his road sign. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

A reader has sent in a photo of a mystery tin man spotted atop a street sign/light in the Kialla Lakes Estate. It appears the tin man has been living on the Nillahcootie Crescent road sign for around a year, although not much information about its origins exists. We asked our Facebook followers for information and while the tin man remains a mystery, it is evident that neighbours have an affection for the clever piece of public art.

Since posting about the tin man, a new addition has been added to the sign. The mysterious tin man now has a feathery friend to keep him company.

If you have any information about the Kialla Lakes tin man, please contact us at

A reader sent this photo of the tin man perched on the Nillahcootie Crescent road sign. Photo: Supplied
Captured Monday, February 3, an owl has joined the tin man on his road sign. Photo: Deanne Jeffers