NINE questions will be used to quickly assess the medical support necessary when Victorians test positive on a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT).
Anyone who tests positive on a RAT is considered a ‘probable case’ and must immediately isolate for seven days and notify contacts – just like those who test positive on a PCR. It is now mandatory to report a positive RAT result to the Department of Health online or by phone.
The new system means fewer Victorians will have to wait for PCR test results before receiving the care and information they need, including monitoring for worsening symptoms and financial support. It also means Victorians who test negative on a RAT and are not a household contact can resume their lives immediately instead of quarantining while they wait for a negative result.
People who answer no to both questions one and two are recommended to get a PCR test to confirm their positive RAT result.
Positive RAT results can also be reported using the Coronavirus Hotline where translators are available for cases who wish to make their report in a language other than English.
You can log your positive RAT result online at coronavirus.vic.gov.au or via the Coronavirus Hotline 1800 675 398.