WHEN the school term commences, 40km speed limits around schools will come back into effect and many families and students will be riding or walking to school.
As kids come to and from school, it is important for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists to be aware and take extra care during these busy times before and after school. Even a small reduction is speed could save a child’s life.

RoadSafe Goulburn Valley has provided the following advice for drivers to help keep our kids safe:
Watch out for pedestrians and be aware that young children can be unpredictable and difficult to see
Give cyclists plenty of space
Slow down in school speed zones during school times
Be extra cautious around schools.
Kids can stay safe by learning about road safety and practising crossing the road with their parents. As we near the school term, you can utilise these last weeks of the holidays to refresh your kids’ knowledge of road safety and routes to and from school.
Bill Winters, executive officer of RoadSafe Goulburn Valley, said, “Bike riding is a wonderful way of keeping fit and active, plus what could be more pleasing than riding alongside your child? If your child is a new rider, please ensure they are comfortable, have good balance, and know how to ride in a safe manner.”