The Pontiff’s Perspective

MERRY CHRISTMAS... From left to right; Jacques Martin-lefevre, Fr Paul Sireh, Mason Crosier, Ryerson De Lai, Fr Johpin Joy, Fr Jackson Saunders and Vanessa Flores.

By Fr Jackson Saunders

An ancient Filipino tradition from the 16th century has provided a blessing to the Shepparton community the past five mornings at the crack of dawn.

Misa de Gallo, also known as the ‘Mass of the Rooster,’ is a nine-day novena to prepare for Christmas, which originated in the Philippines.

St Brendan’s Parish in Shepparton has been hosting dawn novena Masses each morning at 6am since last Saturday.

Each morning there has been a buzz in the Church with live music, prayerful devotion and lavish hospitality at a shared breakfast, which follows. Our community has been blessed.

These Masses will continue until Christmas Eve on Sunday, December 24.

MERRY CHRISTMAS… From left to right; Jacques Martin-lefevre, Fr Paul Sireh, Mason Crosier, Ryerson De Lai, Fr Johpin Joy, Fr Jackson Saunders and Vanessa Flores.

Christmas provides an opportunity for us to consider the blessings we have received this year and to give thanks to God for these.

It is also an opportunity for us to consider how we can bless others in our words and actions.

The words ‘Merry Christmas’ are very popular at this time of year and rightfully so, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the saviour of the world (Luke 2:1-20).

Yet, Christmas can also be a challenging time for many.

Perhaps, our best Christmas blessing could be an act of kindness through word or deed to someone who may be struggling at this time.

Fr Jackson Saunders is the Assistant Priest at St Brendan’s Parish, Shepparton. He is also a sports commentator on ONE FM nicknamed “Pontiff.”