Wastewater maintenance

DESLUDGING… A Shepparton Wastewater Management Facility desludging project starts this week and during the five-month project 30,000 cubic metres of biosolids is expected to be removed from a treatment lagoon. Photo: Supplied

Goulburn Valley Water has commenced essential lagoon desludging works at the Shepparton Wastewater Management Facility this week. 30,000 cubic metres of biosolids is expected to be removed from the bottom of the wastewater treatment lagoon between now and May, with the project specifically times in summer to speed up biosolid drying and processing time. Project timing is one of the many measures GVW put in place to reduce the risk of potential odour.

If nearby residents do experience odour from the works, they can report it to GVW’s Customer Service Centre on 1800 454 500.

People can stay up to date by visiting the project page on the GVW website: www.gvwater.vic.gov.au/projects/current1projects/shepparton-lagoon-desludging-works

DESLUDGING… A Shepparton Wastewater Management Facility desludging project starts this week and during the five-month project 30,000 cubic metres of biosolids is expected to be removed from a treatment lagoon. Photo: Supplied