Call for family welfare funding

THE Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare and Berry Street are encouraging all political parties to pledge in support of children and their carers at this upcoming state election.

Currently, Greater Shepparton has the sixth highest unemployment rate among regional cities. As a community, it is imperative that we ensure families receive necessary assistance and children remain connected and engaged in education.

Funding is needed for families to access services like counselling, interventions and occupational therapy much quicker.

Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare CEO, Deb Tsorbaris said, “We are calling on the state government, or any incoming government, to commit to $100M a year to integrated family services to prevent families from going into crises.

“We hear stories of families travelling long distances in order to receive basic services. We wish to ensure that children who grew up in the Greater Shepparton region have the same opportunities to thrive as those in Melbourne.

“Victoria needs a government that will commit resources so that families are supported to access vital services.”