Convoy to Canberra

Dear Editor,

Thanks go to the organisers, great job. Shelley Schoullar, Jan Beer, Topher Field, Darcy Hane, Chris Brooks, Carley Marriot, John Lolicato and Graham Pyle. All the bus drivers, thank you. Great job.

Thanks for nothing Sussan Ley, David Littleproud, Scott Morrison, all missing in action.

You have no hope of winning the next election if you don’t:

  1. Return water to our farmers so they can water their stock and grow crops to feed our nation
  2. Return water to land
  3. Publicly disclose, all persons who own water, but no land
  4. Sussan Ley needs to stand down. Let Pauline Hanson take over. She is the only one who has the guts to stand up and fix this mess. Her speech was brilliant. Well done Pauline for caring for our farmers; you made us proud! All the other speakers, good work.

The Murray Darling Basin Plan is not working, has never worked, and never will until there’s change.

I have listed four things that need to be done!

The Nationals were always the farmers’ party, so where did you go terribly wrong?

Do nothing and the Liberals and Nationals are gone.

Make these changes, support our farmers, and we will vote for you/

Your choice (Stand Up for Rural Australians)!


Kerry Hawker

Berrigan NSW