In-season construction working for irrigation modernisation

MODERNISING IRRIGATION… In-season works are helping the $2B Goulburn-Murray Water Connections Project modernise the irrigation delivery network faster. Photo: Supplied.
MODERNISING IRRIGATION… In-season works are helping the $2B Goulburn-Murray Water Connections Project modernise the irrigation delivery network faster. Photo: Supplied.
MODERNISING IRRIGATION… In-season works are helping the $2B Goulburn-Murray Water Connections Project modernise the irrigation delivery network faster. Photo: Supplied.
MODERNISING IRRIGATION… In-season works are helping the $2B Goulburn-Murray Water Connections Project modernise the irrigation delivery network faster. Photo: Supplied.

IN-SEASON works are helping the $2B Goulburn-Murray Water Connections Project modernise the irrigation delivery network faster.

During the 2017/18 irrigation season the project worked with landowners to decommission more than 100km of channel, install more than 740 modernised meters and rationalise more than 400 meters.

Project director, Frank Fisseler said the project was delivering modernisation works year-round to ensure works progressed sooner.

“Carrying out in-season works with landowner agreement means we can accelerate the project – this was key feedback from landowners,” Mr Fisseler said.

“This shows we’re continuing to deliver works on the ground to benefit landowners following the adoption of the Reset Delivery Plan and we are on time and on budget to deliver the full 429GL by October 2020.”

In 2018, the project will complete a year-round works program valued at more than $200M.

Mr Fisseler said works were always carried out with landowner’s support to ensure there was no impact on their water needs.

An example of in-season works occurred at Yarroweyah, when the project worked around a landowner’s irrigation schedule to reconnect the property to a single irrigation supply point on backbone channel.

Works included construction of a pump station and a new 315m on-farm pipeline. Additional works to modernise other landowners on the same channel will be carried out later in the year in line with their irrigation requirements.

Once complete, these works mean the project can decommission more than 2.7km of spur channel, as well as rationalise other infrastructure including an off-take regulator and outfall.

Works are expected to create significant water savings, as pipelines capture almost 100 percent of the water losses.