Regional retirees live better

WITH blue skies for miles and all this fresh air, it’s no surprise that regional retirees are living much better lives than their metropolitan counterparts.

According to the latest statistics conducted by Deakin University, retirees reported their overall wellbeing at an average of more than 80 points. This was consistent across all categories, with that average being even higher for regional areas.

Associate Professor, Delyse Hutchinson said, “As individuals remain in retirement and continue to age, promoting wellbeing through health, personal safety and community correctness becomes more critical.”

The study found that retirees in regional areas report higher levels of overall enjoyment, scoring higher on ‘community correctedness’, ‘personal safety’ and ‘future security.’

“It appears that people in regional areas feel more connected to, and safer in, their local communities, which is in turn linked to improved life satisfaction,” Associate Professor, Hutchinson added.

Are you surprised? Considering Shepparton is such a welcoming community with consistent and clear blue skies, I’m not surprised at all.