Preparing your child for boarding school

HELP... Try these tips if boarding school is something you are considering for your child. Photo: Supplied

STARTING boarding school is a huge step for children and families alike. To help your child prepare and to make boarding school a positive learning experience, try these helpful tips:

#1 Talk about it
Talk to your child about how they are feeling about going to boarding school and being away from home. They could be excited, anxious, or a mix of both. Assure them it is normal to feel nervous, and other kids will feel the same way. Talk through any concerns and help your child identify strategies to deal with them.

#2 Be positive
Parents can find it hard to send their child away for their education. Try to be positive and enthusiastic when talking with your child so that your feelings don’t rub off on them. Children are very adaptable, and with support and time, most grow to love the experience of boarding school.

#3 Encourage independence
At boarding school, your child will be responsible for organising themselves and their possessions, perhaps for the first time. Begin instilling this responsibility now by putting them in charge of a list of what they are taking. Find out what chores your child will need to do for themselves and give them the opportunity to practice at home.
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HELP… Try these tips if boarding school is something you are considering for your child. Photo: Supplied