A bush-themed Christmas

AUSTRALIANA-THEMED CARDS AND GIFTS... Focus Cards and Gifts owner, Peter Dunbabin, with a wonderful selection of Christmas cards and gifts. Photo: Stephanie Holliday

THERE’S something special about receiving a carefully selected, personally relevant Christmas card as opposed to a run-of-the-mill, generic one that came from a pack of 50.
Finding the perfect card for someone you cherish is easy when you visit the friendly team at Focus Cards and Gifts.

Stocking a large range of Hallmark, Henderson and other branded cards, Focus Cards and Gifts are also stockists of a range of Australiana-themed cards and gifts, perfect for sending to loved ones we can’t travel to see this Christmas.

Christmas décor and tree toppers that are unique are another item on offer at Focus Cards and Gifts, with a large range of Willow Tree figurines, gifts and decorations available.
In addition to gifts, cards, wrapping, Christmas tree décor and more, Focus Cards and Gifts share their space with Centrefair Lotto, who and can assist you with all your scratchie and lottery ticket needs.

Focus Cards and Gifts is located at 181 Maude Street, Shepparton and will be trading seven days a week in December until Christmas.
Spend a minimum of $10 and fill out an entry form for your chance to win a share of $15,000. Focus Cards and Gifts is a participating business in the GMCU 2020 $15,000 Cracking Christmas Shopping Spree Giveaway.