A touch of prestige for a day of lasting consequence

A day of lasting and beautiful consequence, a wedding day celebration is the occasion to look and feel your best whether you’re the bride, the groom or an honoured guest.

Complementing your finest attire, it is important to have a tailor-made skincare and make-up routine that works to enhance your finest features ahead of the nuptial event.

Proudly carrying pre-eminent and much-loved skincare and make-up brands, Estee Lauder, Lancome, Elizabeth Arden and Clinique, Shepparton AMCAL Pharmacy has the product range and the expertise to design a suitable solution for your unique requirements.

With highly trained staff who frequently travel to Melbourne for brand training and who are conversant with each prestige product’s effectiveness at the molecular level, Shepparton AMCAL Pharmacy is your one-stop shop for department store style skincare and make-up service.

To balance your skin effecting a healthy glow while sustaining recovery, Lancome Genifique Serum and Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum are exemplary rehydration products in store renowned for their scientifically proven ingredients and visible results.

Keeping a fresh, just applied look for 24 hours Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation is perfect for all occasions and busy schedules while Clinique mascaras continue to draw a loyal clientele especially for those with a sensitivity to eye products.

Keeping abreast of product updates and proficient in providing a foundation colour matching service and etiquette, Shepparton AMCAL’s friendly counter staff are ready to help you to achieve the skin appeal you desire, especially for that big day.

In addition, Shepparton AMCAL’s valued customers can benefit from special offers at selected times throughout the year, receiving gifts to the value of $150-$200 on nominated purchases.