Al-Anon, a message of hope

SUPPORT FROM THOSE WHO KNOW... Al-Anon are a global organisation to support families and friends of alcoholics to recover from the effects of living with someone whose drinking is a problem, and this year the organisation celebrated 70 years worldwide. Photo: Supplied.

FOR many Australians, the effects of alcoholism can take a huge toll on their daily life, even when it is not you who has a drinking problem. Whether we are struggling with personal consumption habits or share concern for a loved one, alcoholism is a serious concern for the community.

An anonymous person has shared about their experience living with an alcoholic and the support they’ve received from Al-Anon meetings. They want to encourage anyone who is impacted by a loved ones’ consumption habits to reach out to the Al-Anon group for strategies or guidance, or just to vent.

They said battling alcoholism made them feel angry and resentful. “Every time I entertained the idea that maybe this time things would turn out different, hope was shattered when the same old behaviours returned, despite the many promises.”

“I blamed everything on the drinker and the alcohol, and it was a constant battle of wills trying to work out what made my partner ‘tick’ in an attempt to force the changes I believed would make me happy.”

They said it was a miracle that Al-Anon found them. At their first meeting, they felt inspired and warmed by the smiling faces who had been helped and they wanted to be helped too.

“I listened to their stories and their message of hope, relating to much of what was said. I was relieved to discover that I wasn’t alone and that everyone understood where I was coming from, as they had been there before me.”

There are no ‘bosses,’ no counsellors or other figures to give ‘advice’ at Al-Anon, there are only members who offer their support, experience, strength, and hope to help others.

Al-Anon meets in Shepparton, Friday mornings at 10.30am at the Church of Christ (cnr Nixon and Corio Street); on Saturday 10.30am at The Marian Centre (2 Toolamba Road, Mooroopna); and online on Tuesdays at 7pm. Please ring 1300 252 666 or 0458 254 031 for more information.

SUPPORT FROM THOSE WHO KNOW… Al-Anon are a global organisation to support families and friends of alcoholics to recover from the effects of living with someone whose drinking is a problem, and this year the organisation celebrated 70 years worldwide. Photo: Supplied.