Automating to process health security

SET TO PROVIDE RAPID THERMAL SECURITY…Standby Securtity CEO, Angelo Kakouros demonstrates the ease of the Temperature Mobile Response Unit his company has developed. Photo: Supplied.

Recording a person’s temperature has moved a long way from the days of a thermometer under the tongue. New technology now has it that temperature can be recorded from a few feet away. Some places such as hospitals, as a matter of improving security, have introduced hand held temperature recording to deal with the possibility of transmitting the COVID-19.

Thermal recordings, coupled with facial recognition software, similar to the biometric security now being incorporated into cell phones, offers business and health facilities in particular, the opportunity to screen everyone passing through a point, rapidly and non-invasively.

At places like GV Health, a health official is currently required, appropriately garbed in protective equipment and doing manual checks of the temperature and identity of all personnel and visitors before entering the building occupies an enormous drain on manpower and resources.

In looking at the overall security aspects of such an operation, Angelo Kakouros at Standby Security and his team came up with an idea in the Temperature Mobile Response Unit that can put a mobile stand at the entrance to identify a person based on their facial biometrics, measure their temperature and connect to access controls to allow them to pass through.

To learn more about the capabilities of the Temperature Mobile Response Unit and how it could improve your access security, give Angelo Kakouros a call on 0418 524 188