Avoid scams targeting seniors

STAY SAFE...Scams target people of all ages and backgrounds, however, some scams are more likely to target older people. Older people may be seen by scammers as generally less internet and computer savvy or familiar with new technology. Photo: Supplied

SCAMS target people of all ages and backgrounds, however, some scams are more likely to target older people. Older people may be seen by scammers as generally less internet and computer savvy or familiar with new technology.

Protect yourself by:

If you find yourself in a suspicious situation you feel may be a scam, consult with a younger relative and run it past them

Never responding to phone calls or emails offering financial advice or opportunities, just hang up or delete the email

Being suspicious of unexpected emails or letters advising you how to claim an inheritance or competition prize. Never give out your personal details and seek advice from an independent professional

Being suspicious of requests for money – even if they sound or look official. Government departments will never contact you asking for money upfront in order to claim a rebate

STAY SAFE…Scams target people of all ages and backgrounds, however, some scams are more likely to target older people. Older people may be seen by scammers as generally less internet and computer savvy or familiar with new technology. Photo: Supplied

Being wary of people you meet social media or online dating sites who after just a few contacts profess strong feelings for you and try to move you away from the site and communicate via chat or email