Candidates endorsed

I am very impressed by the standard of the candidates who have put their names forward for the Greater Shepparton City Council.

With the retirement of four councillors, this provides the opportunity for new blood to mix with the best of the current councillors who are standing again, assuming they are re-elected.

Shane Sali is a young man who has experience beyond his age, I have chosen to endorse him as a candidate this year.

He is a successful second-generation family businessman and has a passion for Greater Shepparton.

Shane understands the working of Council, having been both a committee member and current chair of Shepparton Show Me.

Shane worked tirelessly with me and the Chamber of Commerce to help achieve successful outcomes for our region like the Maude Street Mall revitalisation and stage one of the ‘Free parking’.

Shane has concepts worthy of consideration and I recommend his website to see his plan and vision for the future of Greater Shepparton.

Rob Priestley, like Shane Sali has had success in a family business, along with his brother, taking the Gouge company to a new level of enterprise.

Rob is young but with maturity, and he has participated in a number of organisations which have given him excellent experience which would be invaluable on Council.

He is the immediate past chairman of the Committee for Greater Shepparton which provides Rob with knowledge of how Council operates.

Anthony Brophy is a candidate who has the benefit of a very good understanding of Council and Government due process.

Anthony is a long-time Shepparton resident, and in his career he has worked for several politicians which has given him the understanding of the workings of all levels of Government.

Anthony will be an asset to a new Council.

Greg James is a man with a proud Indigenous background and a local sporting pedigree that goes back several generations.

Greg is self-employed and successful in his working and personal life.

He too would be an asset to a new Council.

There are other candidates who are worthy of consideration, but I am able to comment on each of these as I know them well and what they are capable of.

They represent the new blood that will be of great benefit to our community as part of the nine elected councillors.

Each of them has been nominated because they believe in Greater Shepparton as a community and will work to take our whole region into a strong, thriving and growing future.

John and Agata Anderson
