Centenary mark for local croquet club

CROQUET FUN... 50 people recently enjoyed croquet and high tea part of Shepparton Croquet Club's centenary activities. This year SCC celebrates 100 years since its formation in 1924. Photo: Supplied

THIS year the Shepparton Croquet Club (SCC) celebrates 100 years since its formation in 1924.

The Star Theatre in Fryers Street Shepparton was the setting for the formation of the club on Friday, June 20, 1924. Located where the Star Bowl now sits, the Star Theatre was a premier site for dances, balls, films and meetings, and it was here where the club was inaugurated.

Up until this time, croquet was played on the garden lawns of private houses throughout the town. Regional clubs had been established at Euroa, Echuca and Kyabram, and this provided added impetus for Shepparton to have its own club.

In 2024 the club’s celebrations include hosting a Centenary High-Tea Social Day on May 1 for croquet players in the Goulburn Valley and beyond. Association croquet and golf croquet matches will be played either side of lunch, after which the day will culminate with a high tea.

Peter Watson of the SCC Centenary Sub-Committee said “32 croquet players from the region enjoyed the competition with winners Betty Brown (association croquet) and Taryn Arho (golf croquet).

CROQUET FUN… 50 people recently enjoyed croquet and high tea part of Shepparton Croquet Club’s centenary activities. This year SCC celebrates 100 years since its formation in 1924. Photo: Supplied

“50 people enjoyed a wonderful high tea and heard about the club’s rich history since 1924. A centenary book provided the club’s successes and stories while various memorabilia was on display, including Grace Edwards’ Australian and Victorian blazers.”

Further celebratory events are set for June. A Centenary Dinner will be held on Saturday, June 22, principally for current and past members, followed by a ‘Thank You’ Day on the Sunday to acknowledge the contribution of so many people to the club’s success.

Mr Watson said the club is open to anyone interest in trying croquet. Club days are Tuesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons, while twilight social play (other than in winter) is enjoyed by many new players. Interested people are welcome at the club in Winston Street, behind the Gowrie Street Primary School.

HIGH TEA… Guests and croquet players enjoyed a lovely high tea and heard about the club’s rich history. A new centenary book and memorabilia was on display during the day. Photo: Supplied