Community celebration for carers

FIND SUPPORT... Carers Victoria hosted their 'Mingle' event at Tatura's Hill Top Golf & Country Club last week, offering respite, recognition and support of unpaid carers in the district. Pictured is Andrew Lyall, general manager of policy and engagement at Carers Victoria. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

By Deanne Jeffers

THE importance of carers in Victoria cannot be overstated. With approximately 700,000 unpaid carers currently providing essential support, this number is projected to grow to 1M. Their dedication collectively saves the government $19B annually in potential program and service costs.

To honour and support these unsung heroes, Carers Victoria, the peak body representing unpaid carers, hosted a heartwarming Mingle event at Tatura’s Hilltop Golf & Country Club last week. These Mingle events offer carers a chance to meet like-minded individuals, relax, and learn about the support services available to them. Following the success of last year’s event in Shepparton, many first-time attendees joined the celebration this year.

FIND SUPPORT… Carers Victoria hosted their ‘Mingle’ event at Tatura’s Hill Top Golf & Country Club last week, offering respite, recognition and support of unpaid carers in the district. Pictured is Andrew Lyall, general manager of policy and engagement at Carers Victoria. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

Andrew Lyall, general manager of policy and engagement at Carers Victoria, emphasised the significance of these gatherings. “These events allow us to gain insights into what is impacting carers and to offer respite,” he explained. Attendees enjoyed fun games, mindfulness activities, and a much-needed break from their caregiving responsibilities.

“Being a carer comes with a myriad of emotions, both good and challenging,” Mr Lyall continued. “Many people don’t even realise they are carers, and as a result, they aren’t aware they can access support services to take care of their own needs.”

He added, “These sessions are about recognising and celebrating carers and their contributions.”

Carers in rural and regional areas can also benefit from the ‘Additional Respite’ program, which offers various forms of respite, including coffee catchups, walking groups, and accommodation vouchers. “The focus is on giving people the opportunity to have a break from the carer role and reconnect with themselves and others,” Mr Lyall said.

For more information, please visit or freecall 1800 514 845.