THE total number of new cases of coronavirus in Victoria stands at three as of Tuesday June 1, at 11am taking the number of the state total to 54 cases.
Circuit breaker restrictions are now in force in Victoria, with five reasons to leave home including purchasing food and supplies, authorised work, care and caregiving, getting vaccinated and exercise, for up to two hours, with one other person.
Exercise and shopping is limited to 5kms from home. If there’s no shops in your 5km radius, you can travel to the ones closest to you. Shopping is also limited to one person per day, per household.
Face masks will also need to be worn inside and outdoors, everywhere except your own home.
Private and public gatherings will not be permitted, although visiting your intimate partner continues to be okay. Single person bubbles are also allowed.
Childcare and kinder remain open, but schools are only open for children of authorised workers and vulnerable children.
Our public health experts’ prime concern now is how fast the B1.617.1 variant is moving.
Overseas, they haven’t been able to track how quickly this version of the virus can move. Here in Victoria, though, we’re seeing not only how quick it is but also how contagious it is.
Contract tracers are identifying and locking down first ring, second ring and third ring contacts within 24 hours and yet this variant is still moving faster.
The time between catching the virus and passing it on is tighter than ever. The ‘serial interval’ (how long it takes between the onset of symptoms in the first and secondary case), is just over a day.
A full list of facilities that are open, partially open and closed in the Greater Shepparton region is available at greatershepparton.com.au.