Dazzling dedication to fashion

UNITED NATIONS DAY... Some of the FAFA committee, back row from left, Emma Nacion Prasad, Welda Bunny, Murray Broughton, Maria Benita Lacuin, Steve Cash, Emmie Stenhouse, Jessica Carminati, Marissa Wyatt, and Mayette Martin. Front row seated from left, Steven Rudd, Delma Broughton, Honourable Wendy Lovell, Cecilia Cash, and Flora Dynon. Photo: Angelo Scott

THE FAFA’s United Nations – International Parade of Costumes took place recently at the Overlander Hotel. It was a day filled with vibrant costumes from around the world, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

Participants had a fantastic time parading their carefully selected outfits on the red carpet. The event featured captivating dance performances, including native Philippine dances and lively Hawaiian numbers like ‘Pearly Shells’ and ‘Tiny Bubbles.’ Entertainment was abundant, with music, singing, dancing, and thrilling raffle draws.

“We were truly honoured to have esteemed guest speakers, Honourable Wendy Lovell, and State Member Kim O’Keefe, grace our celebration. Special recognition goes to Julie Mercer for her unwavering support and exceptional photography skills,” said FAFA member Marieta Martin.

UNITED NATIONS DAY… Some of the FAFA committee, back row from left, Emma Nacion Prasad, Welda Bunny, Murray Broughton, Maria Benita Lacuin, Steve Cash, Emmie Stenhouse, Jessica Carminati, Marissa Wyatt, and Mayette Martin. Front row seated from left, Steven Rudd, Delma Broughton, Honourable Wendy Lovell, Cecilia Cash, and Flora Dynon. Photo: Angelo Scott

The evening’s highlight was the International Fashion Parade, brilliantly judged by Kim and Julie. Selecting the winners was no small feat, as everyone looked stunning and walked the catwalk like professional models.

Laughter, selfies, and photos filled the air, adding to the festive atmosphere from start to finish, even as we dismantled the decorations. The joyous spirit continued with everyone dancing, laughing, and having a great time.

“Our President, Delma Broughton, always manages to surprise us on every occasion. Her homemade sticky rice cake and glutinous rice cake were sweet treats enjoyed by all,” said Marieta.

“Once again, I had the privilege of witnessing the unity, togetherness, and friendship that bind us all together in FAFA. On behalf of FAFA, I, Mayette Martin, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved. This includes our dedicated committees, members, communities, guests, and generous raffle donors. A special thanks to the Overlander Staff for their exceptional customer service and unwavering support in making this event a success.”