2023’s Great Outdoors lift out is all about celebrating the possibilities of adventure within our own backyard and the local businesses that help to make your adventures happen.
The bush has been a part of the Australian psyche forever. The connection to land so often spoken about among Indigenous communities is not limited to cultures that have called this place home since before living memory.
The connection to land is a part of all of us, no matter how urbanised we’ve become and there are endless possibilities for adventure in this region.
It could be a jaunt up Dookie’s Mt Major, lunch at a winery, fishing in the Goulburn, camping on the Murray, going bush in the High Country in the 4×4, or joining friends for some early morning starts hunting or fishing.
Take the kids for a trip to reconnect with nature and get away from technology for few days before the Christmas rush commences.
Being in the great outdoors can restore our mood, give us back our energy and vitality, refresh and rejuvenate us and grants us great memories to be cherished for a lifetime.
Happy adventuring across the Goulburn Valley and beyond!