Footy future stars strut their stuff at interschool sports carnival

KICKING GOALS... The girls from Orrvale Primary School were ready to take on the competition in the round-robin interschool footy. From left, Shanaya Khakh, Lexie Corrie, Antonia Tassoni, Lara Garner, Jersey Looby, Halle Whitley, Lexi Cordy, Tahlia Tragila, Evie Wright, Zahli Maiorano and Leila Tweedie. Photo: Aaron Cordy

By Aaron Cordy

FOOTY stars of the future strutted their stuff at the Mooroopna Recreation Reserve, Friday, May 17, when grades 5 and 6 students from schools across the region took part in an interschool football carnival.

Students from Orrvale, Kialla West, St Joseph’s Numurkah, Mooroopna, St Brendan’s, Sacred Heart Tatura, Bourchier Street, St John’s Euroa, St Joseph’s Cobram, St Lukes, St Mary’s Mooroopna, and Mansfield Primary Schools made up the boys teams. Orrvale, Mansfield and Bourchier Street Primary Schools competed for the girls in a series of round-robin matches. The event had support from Greater Shepparton Secondary College students and teachers who umpired the event for the primary school kids.

There were fantastic skills on display from the young competitors, but it was Kialla West Primary School for the boys, and Mansfield Primary School for the girls who won the day and will go on to compete in Benalla next month for the opportunity to compete at the Melbourne carnival.

KICKING GOALS… The girls from Orrvale Primary School were ready to take on the competition in the round-robin interschool footy. From left, Shanaya Khakh, Lexie Corrie, Antonia Tassoni, Lara Garner, Jersey Looby, Halle Whitley, Lexi Cordy, Tahlia Tragila, Evie Wright, Zahli Maiorano and Leila Tweedie. Photo: Aaron Cordy