Freedom Foods Group makes ‘Pink Gold’ PUREnFERRIN™ Lactoferrin right here in Shepparton

MADE RIGHT HERE IN SHEPPARTON... Freedom Foods Group Operations Manager, Nutritionals, Tom Dickins and Operations Manager, UHT, Troy Guest. Photo: Stephanie Holliday

FREEDOM Foods Group is well known for its Australia’s Own, MILKLAB and other UHT milk and cream brands, which remain a cornerstone of its strategic direction and ongoing success.

But Freedom Foods Group has also quietly become one of the world’s biggest producers of lactoferrin, an iron-binding immune system protein extracted directly from fresh cow’s milk that is so valuable it has earned the name ‘Pink Gold’.

PUREnFERRIN™ Lactoferrin, produced at their Shepparton facility, is a key part of Freedom Foods Group’s future and its vision to provide leading, innovative nutritional products with real benefits to consumers.

While lactoferrin’s health benefits are well known, interest in lactoferrin’s ability to help combat various viruses has been gathering momentum around the world, and especially since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

In a world-first, Australian researchers at The University of Newcastle are now investigating if PUREnFERRIN™ Lactoferrin can manage or stop coronaviruses in their tracks, as well as other common cold causing viruses.

Freedom Foods Group is recognised as one of Australia’s leading investors in state-of-the-art nutritional, food and beverage manufacturing capabilities.

At their Shepparton facility, Freedom Foods is leading the way in developing innovative, best-in-class consumer products using PUREnFERRIN™ and other premium dairy protein ingredients.