IF you need one on one support for your small business, the Small Business Bus program is for you. It offers business coaching support, continuity and resilience planning, mentorship and capability building, to help businesses reactivate and develop sustainable business models to strengthen and grow. Book your place today for the Thursday, May 9 visit to Shepparton.
The Small Business Bus travels to locations across Victoria providing advice and support for small businesses in metro and regional areas. Business Recovery Advisers can help you with one-on-one tailored advice to help strengthen your business and position you for recovery. Confidential sessions run for up to 45 mins and are free of charge. Bookings are recommended.

The Small Business Bus will be in Shepparton Thursday, May 9, from 9am – 5pm at the Maude Steet Mall, Shepparton.
For more information visit Business Victoria at, business.vic.gov.au. Or the Greater Shepparton Business Centre at 70 New Dookie Road, Shepparton
Email: gsbc@shepparton.vic.gov.auPhone: (03) 5832 1100