Grammar laptops to empower learning around the globe

GENEROUS DONATION... Goulburn Valley Grammar School has donated 23 refurbished laptops to the Shepparton Central Rotary Club for the Foundation of Goodness. The laptops will go to children in Sri Lanka, to allow them to excel in IT and facilitate their English learning, thus making a significant difference in their lives. From left, Shane McDonald director of co-curricular programmes at GVGS, David Marshall president of SCRC, Anthony Noonan from the IT department at GVGS, and Sam Atukorala SCRC director. Photo: Aaron Cordy

By Aaron Cordy

GOODNESS and generosity can be the most undervalued traits of humanity, but when they are instilled in young people it can have a lasting effect on the global community. In the spirit of that generosity, Goulburn Valley Grammar School (GVGS) has donated 23 used laptops to the Foundation of Goodness (FoG) in Sri Lanka.

The laptop donation will be coordinated by the Shepparton Central Rotary Club (SCRC), it’s the second time GVGS has lent its support by giving their used laptops. In 2018, GVGS donated 22 laptops, which were distributed to FoG’s Village Heartbeat Empowerment Centres in Udumulla & Moneragala, the Akurala & Kahawa Child Resilience Centres and other deserving individuals.

“To make sure we can help out any community, being global citizens as we are, we send students overseas for exchange and learning experiences and this forms part of it, it’s part of our community service,’ said GVGS director of co-curricular programmes, Shane McDonald.

GENEROUS DONATION… Goulburn Valley Grammar School has donated 23 refurbished laptops to the Shepparton Central Rotary Club for the Foundation of Goodness. The laptops will go to children in Sri Lanka, to allow them to excel in IT and facilitate their English learning, thus making a significant difference in their lives. From left, Shane McDonald director of co-curricular programmes at GVGS, David Marshall president of SCRC, Anthony Noonan from the IT department at GVGS, and Sam Atukorala SCRC director. Photo: Aaron Cordy

“It’s part of teaching students they can contribute. If they do it when they’re young, they’re more likely to do it when they’re older.”

The program is part of a broader effort by SCRC, which has sent stationery, school clothing, and preloved sporting equipment to FoG in Sri Lanka since 2020. The laptops will be directed towards rural school children in Sri Lanka, empowering them to excel in IT and facilitating their English learning, thus making a significant difference in their lives.

“Foundation of Goodness in Sri Lanka stands as a beacon of hope for underserved communities, offering opportunities through the establishment of facilities, training, and exposure to tap into the abundant talent and skills found in rural villages. Since its inception in 1999, FoG has been dedicated to holistic rural community development, especially in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami that devastated many lives in Sri Lanka,” said RCSC director, Sam Atukorala.

“We extend our heartfelt thanks to Goulburn Valley Grammar School for contributing these laptops and for supporting less fortunate school children in Sri Lanka.”