By Deanne Jeffers
FOR RESIDENTS at Moyola Lodge in Tatura, memories of cracker nights or Guy Fawkes Nights are still some of their fondest. Maree Chester is a nurse at Moyola and hearing them reminisce over these memories, she decided to arrange an old-fashioned cracker night for the community.
“It’s such a fun night, and since the first one three years ago, residents have continued to talk about their love of Guy Fawkes Night, and also now about how much they loved and look forward to our cracker night,” said Maree.
Daylight savings coupled with mild temperature on Tuesday, April 18 made for a spectacular evening of fireworks, crackers, and toasted marshmallows, with around 70 people from all generations attending.
Maree engaged local pyro-technician Shane Armstrong from Kyabram’s Mr Candy Sky to kick of the inaugural event three years ago. In addition to taking care of paperwork, legal and safety necessities, Shane built a purpose-built table where residents could be part of the fun and safely light crackers.
About 20 residents attended at Sacred Heart School oval, located close to Moyola. Those that were able approached the table and lit a cracker, while others were invited to press a controller that sent large fireworks into the sky.
“There were some residents that were worried they couldn’t make it because of mobility issues, but I assured them, we would get you there and back safely, and we did. Everyone gets to be part of it,” said Maree.
Staff at Moyola helped residents travel to and from the school and with toasting marshmallows. Many residents were joined by family members and were delighted to see children enjoying the show.
The whole evening cost a gold coin donation. This year’s event saw the welcome addition of a flaming ‘Moyola’ sign, that received applause from the crowd, and two Catherine wheel fireworks made especially for the residents who remembered them fondly from their memories.
Maree said, “They deserve some special treats, and the community does as well. Bringing everyone together for some fireworks exposes the community to aged care in a welcoming way, doing something they can all enjoy together.”