A career tailored to your needs

A CAREER TAILORED TO YOU... WDEA Works intake and engagement officer Bek Warrener and employment consultant Andrew Steen with a client at the Shepparton office. Photo: Kelly Lucas

How to choose a career or job opportunity that suits you? 

If you’re not sure where to begin, you’re not alone. Choosing or changing a career or job can feel overwhelming but following these five steps can help guide you. 

1. List your current skills and expertise – Include everything you can think of, even if you don’t think it relates to a career. Make sure you include personality traits such as outgoing, creative, or strong attention to detail. 

2. Think about your ideal working environment – Do you want to work in an office, something outdoors, do you like to be around people or prefer to work alone?

3. Think about what you enjoy doing – Do you love cooking, art, teaching, hosting parties, spending time with kids?

4. Put these three things together – For example, you might be someone who is outgoing, would like a workplace where they are active and loves hosting dinner parties.

5. Can you turn these three things into a career or job? The person described above might want to consider a career in hospitality. 

WDEA Works is your local Disability Employment Services (DES) provider, these are just some of the steps our employment consultants take to help people with a disability find meaningful and ongoing employment opportunities.

A CAREER TAILORED TO YOU… WDEA Works intake and engagement officer Bek Warrener and employment consultant Andrew Steen with a client at the Shepparton office. Photo: Kelly Lucas