Just like the office Fax machine the traditional office water cooler is extinct

KEEPING YOU HYDRATED… while helping the environment with an Aquafil Fresh Water Cooler. From left is, Aquafil Directors Bill Dowling and Craig McIntyre. Photo: The Adviser

When you picture a busy working office from 20 years ago, you would probably see a fax machine front and centre, along with an office water cooler and a 15 litre water bottle on top. In a modern 2023 office the fax machine has disappeared and so has the 15 litre bottle of water.

For the past eight years, the five staff at Aquafil Fresh have been installing plumbed in, state-of-the-art, modern Aquafil Fresh office water coolers which provide sparkling fresh, filtered, chilled water to the staff of 100s of businesses across the Goulburn Valley and southern New South Wales.

KEEPING YOU HYDRATED… while helping the environment with an Aquafil Fresh Water Cooler. From left is, Aquafil Directors Bill Dowling and Craig McIntyre. Photo: The Adviser

In recent times Aquafil Fresh has replaced the traditional 15 litre bottle water cooler with a state-of-the-art, modern technology, plumbed Aquafil Fresh water cooler to GOTAFE as well as a large number of primary and secondary schools, Australia Post sites, Brokerhouse, local councils, CVGT, Dennis Family Homes, Drive for Industry, all GMCU sites, a large number of Graincorp sites, Foott Waste, GV Health, Mawsons Concrete sites, GV Familycare, Lindsay Park Racing, Nutrien Ag sites, Rumbalara, and Veolia sites to name a few. All are now using plumbed Aquafil Fresh water coolers, which is proven to be a far more environmentally friendly option, much easier and safer for staff and Aquafil Fresh water coolers come with a huge cost benefit.

Aquafil Fresh owner, Bill Dowling said, “While we are based in Shepparton we have a large rural Victoria and southern New South Wales footprint. We have very healthy client bases in Bendigo, Echuca, Yarrawonga, Wangaratta and Seymour. We do extend beyond these areas and over time our footprint will extend further.

“Businesses now have far greater awareness and focus on being environmentally friendly. A big advantage is in 99 percent of cases businesses save money. Why – because they no longer buy bottled water. It makes a huge difference in warmer summer months and is a real win-win. Aquafil Fresh water coolers are definitely the way of the future,” Bill said.