Merry Christmas from Rushworth

CHECKING HIS LIST... GV Health Waranga Hostel resident Bill Andrews is having a word with Santa about his Christmas list. Here they are pictured at the GV Health Waranga Hostel Christmas party. Photo: Melanie Spencer

A GREAT deal of fun was had by residents, family and friends at the GV Health Waranga Hostel Christmas party and getting into the spirit of it was resident Bill Andrews having a chat with Santa to make sure that Santa has him on his delivery list.

Decorations in the town centre, bringing colour and cheer. The decorations were made and set up by local Rushworth residents who take pride in their lovely town. The Kissing booth is a big hit.

CHECKING HIS LIST… GV Health Waranga Hostel resident Bill Andrews is having a word with Santa about his Christmas list. Here they are pictured at the GV Health Waranga Hostel Christmas party. Photo: Melanie Spencer