Mighty Murchison

MURCHISON BRIDGE CLOSED... Murchison's bridge will remain closed until further notice.

By Kelly Carmody

THE community of Murchison has done an amazing job while being largely cut off from the outside world. They worked around the clock to keep the floodwaters off the main street as the Goulburn River became a powerful torrent.

Murchison East and the lower end of Murchison were hit hard following the peak of 12.05m around 10.42am on Monday, October 17.

The road before the bridge is now bubbling in half a dozen places and the pressure of the water underneath is so great that the sides of the road look like they are boiling. The whole road may have to be rebuilt and the bridge will remain closed until further notice, which cuts off one of the main access points to the town.

MURCHISON BRIDGE CLOSED… Murchison’s bridge will remain closed until further notice.

The community’s power and phone reception is now mostly restored around the town with the river now falling below the major flood level of 10.07m.

The clean-up has begun for some while others still wait for the water to reside. The record making inundation of water has been heartbreaking for so many, but the community spirit has stayed high with heart warming acts of kindness helping keep the community together through these challenging times.