New batch of interns at GV Health

GV HEALTH WELCOMES NEW INTERNS... New Intern, Dr Pert Jardim, GV Health medical education officer, Ms Jerry Tmney and anaesthetic registrar, Dr Yannick Roosje-Dol. Photo: Steve Hutcheson.

Each year, new doctor interns take up residence at GV Health to continue their training in real life situations after several years study.

Dr Peter Jardim is one of the new intakes of 32 interns to join the team this year.
Doctors doing their internship here will go through a number of departmental rotations that helps round out their experience. Dr Jardim’s first rotation will be in the Emergency

Department and will in time, move into the other core rotations in the Medical Unit and then the Surgical Unit before taking up a rotation in his optional departments. He has indicated he wants to gain further experience in oncology and anaesthetics.

Ms Jenny Tumney, GV Health medical education officer, explained that it is important for interns to gain a broad cross section of experience before moving into an area of speciality.

Dr Jardim is finding regional living a lot more to his liking than he anticipated. His daily commute takes a few minutes and the lifestyle is much more relaxed. Doing his internship at a regional hospital such as GV Health enables him to get a broader range of experience than he otherwise might not get in the city.

As doctors finish their internships, they more than often return to the city to larger hospitals where they can concentrate on specialist training before branching out into private practice.

Dr Yannick Roosje-Dol has been at GV Health now since 2019. In 2020 he pursued clinical rotations in the critical care stream working towards a career in anaesthetics. This year Dr Roosje-Dol will progress as an anaesthetic registrar, consolidating his last two foundation years and getting closer to the specialty that he would like to pursue as a career.