O’Keeffe delivers maiden speech

SPEAKING OUT... Member for Shepparton Kim O'Keeffe has addressed state parliament for the first time, speaking out on the need for regional investment and in particular, funding for some of Shepparton's priority projects such as the Bypass and need for affordable housing. Photo: Supplied

By Deanne Jeffers

MEMBER for Shepparton, Kim O’Keeffe, gave her first speech in state parliament last week, reflecting on growing up and working regionally and sending a clear message to the State Government that investment in the regions and Shepparton is not optional, but essential.

“The regional Commonwealth Games idea came from Shepparton, and it was Shepparton that progressed the business case supported by a few other councils,” said Ms O’Keeffe.

“We are proud to think that this idea will bring billions of dollars into regional Victoria, although we are disappointed that we did not get a sports village.”

Ms O’Keeffe said she is determined to ensure that the state government matches the $260M the Nationals committed to the Shepparton Bypass in the 2022 election campaign.

“On pre-poll, we witnessed a truck and car side swipe each other right in the front of the polling booth. We saw the impact of only one river crossing during the floods when the Peter Ross Edwards Causeway was flooded and completely shut down causing complete chaos at an already stressful time.”

Ms O’Keeffe also said Victoria must address cost of living concerns, the housing crisis and homelessness, affordable housing, rental affordability, and housing availability.

SPEAKING OUT… Member for Shepparton Kim O’Keeffe has addressed state parliament for the first time, speaking out on the need for regional investment and in particular, funding for some of Shepparton’s priority projects such as the Bypass and need for affordable housing. Photo: Supplied

“We must ensure that regional Victoria is also considered, and please we must consider looking at different ways to attract and increase the job workforce. Let’s look at some incentives.

“I urge investment into our region, including the final stage and the completion of Goulburn Valley Health redevelopment, and it was pleasing to hear today that the Labor Government are very supportive of doing that, and again the Shepparton Bypass,” Ms O’Keeffe said.