Post-flood recovery a long road

STILL FEELING THE EFFECTS...The Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell has urged the flood-affected to lodge a written submission to the Victorian Parliament Flood Inquiry before the submission closing date of Monday June 5 2023. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto

DESPITE the floods occurring in October 2022, there are still many people displaced in our community.

Government bodies tasked with post-flood recovery are overwhelmed, as are insurance providers.

The Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell has urged the flood-affected to lodge a written submission to the Victorian Parliament Flood Inquiry before the submission closing date of Monday June 5 2023.

Ms Lovell is a member of the Legislative Council Environment and Planning Committee that is conducting the Inquiry, which will hold public hearings in flood affected communities in August, September and October.

STILL FEELING THE EFFECTS…The Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell has urged the flood-affected to lodge a written submission to the Victorian Parliament Flood Inquiry before the submission closing date of Monday June 5 2023. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto

Ms Lovell said it was crucial for the Committee to hear from those directly affected by the floods and urged the public to lodge a written submission before the closing date of Monday, June 5 2023.

A written submission could be a comprehensive document or as short as two paragraphs and Ms Lovell also urged Victorians to attend the public hearings.

The current schedule for the public hearings is as follows:

• 23 August 2023, Rochester

• 24 August 2023, Echuca

• 13 September 2023, Shepparton

• 14 September 2023, Seymour

• 11-12 October 2023, Melbourne

Submissions can be lodged at: and for localised, up-to-date flood support information, please visit:

The Committee for Greater Shepparton (C4GS) released a report this week that reflects more than 60 member businesses, agencies and not for profit organisations’ experiences during the October 2022 floods.

C4GS CEO Lindy Nieuwenhuizen said the feedback was distilled from nine member roundtables during February and March 2022 and collated by an independent consultant engaged by C4GS. Pick up next week’s edition of The Adviser for further details of the report’s findings.