Preparing for a home loan

HERE TO HELP...Jack Linehan, Loans Officer at gmcu Shepparton, is able to guide you through the home loan application process. Photo: Kelly Carmody

PREPARING for a home loan application can be a daunting task, even if it’s not your first time. Thankfully, you have a local team who is there to support you through the process.

“There’s a lot to think about,” says Jack, Loans Officer at gmcu Shepparton. “When you decide you’re ready to borrow, you may not even know what your budget looks like, and that makes it hard to know where to start.”

“That’s what we’re here to help with. When someone comes to us at the beginning of this journey, we understand that they’re not going to have all the answers right away – and that’s why we aim to simplify the process, take off some of the pressure, and make sure it’s not just a loan application but also a learning experience.”

When you’re looking to borrow, a responsible lender will request a range of information from you to get a clear picture of your circumstances, and what you hope you achieve.

“We like to get to know our borrowers and understand their personal situations, and strive to be responsive and accessible from start to finish. I think our members appreciate that we are just a phone call or an e-mail away. This way, we know we’re doing what’s best for our members and helping them achieve what they’re setting out to do.”

With 10 locations across the Goulburn Valley region, gmcu is here to serve our communities with expert personal service and local understanding. Speak to your local gmcu team to find out what they can do for you.

HERE TO HELP…Jack Linehan, Loans Officer at gmcu Shepparton, is able to guide you through the home loan application process. Photo: Kelly Carmody