Put a blood pressure check on top of your 2021 “to do” list

SHOWING HOW PAINLESS IT IS... Amcal Chemist staff member, Renae Loe takes Shelley Poliness' blood pressure to show how easy it is. Photo: Steve Hutcheson

IT is a lamentable statistic that Shepparton has one of the greatest number of people in the state suffering heart problems, which is why making a new year’s resolution to have your blood pressure tested should be high up on your list of things to do.

Stroke Foundation Clinical Council chair, Professor Bruce Campbell, said “having your blood pressure checked is easy, painless and potentially life-saving, but is too often overlooked.

“This year, rather than jumping straight into long-term health goals like getting fit or losing a few kilos, start with a blood pressure check at your doctor or pharmacy.”
High blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension, is a key risk factor for stroke and the most modifiable.

New Stroke Foundation figures revealed more than 4.7 million Australians were living with high blood pressure and most don’t even know they have it.
Professor Campbell said the only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have it checked regularly.

“High blood pressure has no immediate symptoms. Yet over time it puts extra stress on blood vessel walls. This can cause them to narrow or break down, eventually leading to a stroke,” Prof Campbell said.

Research has shown the number of strokes would be almost cut in half (48 percent reduction) if high blood pressure alone was eliminated.

Give yourself the best chance possible to live a healthy life in 2021 and beyond. Make it your new year’s resolution to learn about your risk and monitor your blood pressure regularly.