Science and art come together

SCIENCE FUN... Delilah with her penguin project, Shaylee with her sugar glider project and Noah with his cat project. Photo: Stephanie Holliday

STUDENTS at Tatura’s Sacred Heart School have spent time learning about all about living things through their unit on biological science. They each completed their own inquiry project on the animal they selected and constructed dioramas from shoeboxes, recycled items and sculpted their chosen animal from clay.

“I chose a penguin because they are such an interesting animal,” said Delilah, 6.

“It was fun to learn about penguins and I even made a baby penguin to go with its mum.”

All grade one and foundation students completed the projects and showcased them to their families on Monday on school grounds.

“There are so many cool facts about cats,” said Noah, 7.
“Making a cat out of clay was really fun, I’m happy with how it all turned out.”