Stay safe on the roads this silly season

DON'T BECOME A STATISTIC... Be vigilant on the roads in December leading into the Christmas period. Photo: Supplied

IT’S almost time for many of us to travel to see loved ones for the holidays. The Victorian road toll at the time of print stands at 269 lives lost, up over 20 percent from 2022.

It is an exciting time of year, but it’s imperative that drivers be mindful of the dangers this could pose. Plan ahead, stay alert and show patience with other road users.

DON’T BECOME A STATISTIC… Be vigilant on the roads in December leading into the Christmas period. Photo: Supplied

For older Australians or young drivers who have less experience, as well as capable drivers, there will be tests on our roads this summer. Your family, your community, our emergency services and all people want you to reach your destination safely.

If you are driving long distances, take rest breaks and do not speed. A road crash will change your life forever. Stop the car, rest up, let your people know you’re safe and continue driving with a clear mind.